Although Forrest is one of our newer members, he brings many years of outdoor experience as a Park Ranger, Ski Patroller and outdoor enthusiast. Forrest is an active GSAR volunteer as well as a member of both the Winter Response and Water Rescue Teams, and most recently has begun training to join the Rope Rescue Team.
I applied in late fall of 2020 and joined the team in early 2021.

Why did you join?
I was looking to give back to the community and had several friends on the team who encouraged me to apply. I also love learning and was excited about joining a team where I could develop new skills.
What’s your day job/what do you do other than ssar?
I work for BC Parks as a Park Ranger. I also work part time as a ski patrol member and avalanche technician at a local ski resort. I love the typical outdoor activities that Squamish has to offer, but I also enjoy playing piano, cooking, and spending time with my partner who lives in Powell River.
What is(ARE) your current role(S) within ssar? Have you had a different role previously?
I am a GSAR (ground search and rescue) member. I am also a member of the water rescue team and the winter response team. Recently I started training to become a member of the rope rescue team.
What’s the number one thing you’ve learned since you joined?
Squamish SAR consists of incredibly talented volunteers who are eager to mentor newer members like myself. Although it’s helpful to come in with local knowledge of the Squamish area and some outdoor training and experience you don’t have to be an outdoor professional/superhero to join Squamish SAR. Many hard skills can be taught after joining the team, and mentorship opportunities are endless. Having a willingness to be the best team member you can be, and having the time necessary to respond to tasks and training will take you far if considering joining our team.

What’s Your favourite season?
Tough question! I love winter for skiing, spring for biking, summer for climbing, and fall for slowing things down a bit. So I guess all seasons are my favourite!
Favourite Outdoor Activity?
Favourite Trail/feature?
I love Garibaldi Park as a whole. I’m fortunate to work and play in this special part of the world year-round.
what’s your favourite SSAR memory?
We had a huge search in 2021 for a missing hiker in Garibaldi Park involving multiple SAR teams, BC Parks, RCMP, and other agencies. 15 days after the person had been reported missing they were found alive and relatively healthy in one of the most remote corners of Garibaldi Park. They had survived with minimal equipment and food, and had made signal fires along their path until eventually smoke was seen by a passing aircraft and wildfire crew. An absolutely incredible survival story, and a great feeling for all involved that the person was okay!
what three things do you always bring on an outdoor adventure?
First aid supplies, a communication device, plenty of food and water.

What’s the number one thing you want people to know about Search and rescue or outdoor preparedness?
Be prepared to spend more time outdoors than you think you’ll need, even when recreating close to home. Often rescues are efficient and relatively quick if the weather and daylight are cooperating. But an injury at the top of The Chief on a rainy day could result in a prolonged rescue taking many, many hours. There’s no shame in calling 911 for search and rescue services – it’s much better to call early rather than waiting.
Our thanks to Forrest for his dedication to Squamish Search and Rescue!