Trip Planning
The importance of a trip plan cannot be understated. Your trip plan provides prospective rescuers with information on how to find you if you become lost or injured. If you do not file a trip plan, critical time is absorbed trying to determine where to begin searching. In the case of inclement weather or injury, time can mean the difference between life and death.
Complete a Trip Plan
For your trip plan, leave it with someone your trust.
Trip Plans Include:
- Time of departure
- Your starting point
- Your destination
- Your planned route
- People in your group
- Your contact numbers
- Anticipated return time
Be Prepared
So You're Lost?
It happens. But responding early will very much impact how things end.
Remain calm and don’t panic.
As obvious as this may sound, most people who become lost in the wilderness stop thinking straight and quite often make the situation worse.
Stop moving and stay put.
Seek or make shelter.
Build a fire.
Fires are not only a source of heat and comfort, but can help occupy your time and mind. Being lost is not an excuse for starting a forest fire however, so be careful in hot, dry weather conditions.
Be visible.
Do everything you can to be visible from the air and the ground during the day. Use a whistle or other signalling device to help rescuers or other backcountry users to find you.
For backcountry emergencies, dial 911 and provide your location.

AdventureSmart is a national program dedicated to encouraging Canadians and visitors to Canada to “Get informed and go outdoors”. The AdventureSmart program was created by Emergency Management B.C. with the assistance of the National Search and Rescue Secretariat, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the British Columbia SAR Association. AdventureSmart combines online and on-site awareness with targeted outreach to try and reduce the number and severity of search and rescue incidents.
Squamish Search and Rescue is proud to have partnered with AdventureSmart to deliver these key messages within our community. Team members regularly deliver the following courses to upwards of 1,500 children and adults within our community each and every year.
Available Programs
Hug-a-Tree and Survive Program
This presentation is aimed at children in Grades K-6. It teaches children how to avoid getting lost in the woods and covers what to do if they should become lost.
Snow Safety Education Program
This presentation is aimed at children in Grades 4-6. It teaches ski hill safety, signage and backcountry survival tips including “Out of Bounds” hazards.
Survive Outside Program
This presentation is aimed at people aged 12 and up. It focuses on trip planning, the Code of Responsibility, training and tips for safe backcountry travel.