Mike Rafferty is one of our team leaders and our primary training coordinator, and has been a volunteer with Squamish Search and Rescue for over 15 years. We had an opportunity to catch up with Mike and ask him a few questions about his history with SSAR.

Why did you join?
I was recreating in the mountains a lot and got lucky a few times, so I figured I should put some karma in the bank and learn a thing or two along the way.
What’s your day job/what do you do other than ssar?
I’m an electrician at the Mamquam River Generating Station.
What is(ARE) your current role(S) within ssar? Have you had a different role previously?
I’m the GSAR (Ground Search and Rescue) training coordinator as well as a GSAR TL (Team Lead). I’ve also been on the board a few times and have served as a member of the Water and Rope Rescue Teams.
Approximately how many hours do you spend volunteering for SSAR?
I aim for around a hundred (excluding tasks), but it’s definitely been up and down over the years.
What’s the number one thing you’ve learned since you joined?
People do funny things outdoors!
What’s Your favourite season?
I like them all except the Fall shoulder season.
Favourite Outdoor Activity?
Mountain biking in the summer, sledding and snowboarding in the winter.

Favourite Trail/feature?
“Treasure” on the bike, and all the ‘secret’ zones in the winter!
what’s your favourite SSAR memory?
The Christmas parties!
what three things do you always bring on an outdoor adventure?
First aid kit, extra layers, and a snack/water… I know, that’s technically four.
What’s the number one thing you want people to know about Search and rescue or outdoor preparedness?
It’s never a bad idea to have the bare minimum to keep yourself from suffering while you’re waiting should things go sideways. Rescues take time and nobody plans on needing SAR but don’t feel bad about calling.
Our thanks to Mike for his dedication to Squamish Search and Rescue!